Salt Lake City Based Photographer Timbra Wiist owns/operates Landslide Photography & Photographs the Journey of Motherhood (see bottom of page or sidebar for more info. . .depending on what this blog is choosing to do for the day).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Surgeon General's Call to Action

Read entire document You may be required to create a free account to view this document. . . .Photo of Utah pair, Lisa and Sophia, on page 19 of Call to Action (you will need to type in page 29 at the top of the document). The Call to Action was published/given on January 20, 2011 from Washington DC.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Final Posters

These posters were put together to be used on a local level as well as possibly on a national level. As far as I am aware, only one of my photos was used in the Call to Action published on January 20th by the Surgeon General. Many of the photos used in the Call to Action seemed to be from those Coalitions who chose the story prompt regarding medical support (and a few "work place support"). But I am thrilled and honored that one of "OUR" photos got in. Way to go Utah! You can visit to see the posters on the site as well as the Call to Action information. Each Poster was created three separate times. The first edition reads "Utah Opens Its Doors To Breastfeeding" with information for the Utah Breastfeeding Coalition and La Leche League of Utah. The second edition reads "Our Baby Friendly Community" with the same website information, the third has the "baby friendly" tagline without websites.