Salt Lake City Based Photographer Timbra Wiist owns/operates Landslide Photography & Photographs the Journey of Motherhood (see bottom of page or sidebar for more info. . .depending on what this blog is choosing to do for the day).

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Katherine & Elliot Take II

During this amazing maternity portrait session with Katherine, Nate and soon to be big brother Elliot, the little guy was having a hard time. . .in moments like those it is SO lovely to still be nursing a (nearly 3) year old grumpy tot. . . did you know that nursing while pregnant is ALREADY considered "tandem" because this term refers to caring for the needs of more than one child at the same time! Let's just say. . .Katherine is GORGEOUS!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Julia & Kai Take II

Remember this little guy just 10 days old back at the start of my endeavor to capture breastfeeding images? Well this is him now (taken about a month after this WBW project, at another event at Renee's house) I met Julia at a La Leche League meeting and I'll say it again, she was "out to here" pregnant with this little guy. Now, almost two years later, we're still friends (or at least we accidentally run into one another at stores all over the Valley, because apparently both of our families require food, and we run in the same circle). Look at Kai, not quite a baby, not quite a boy. . . almost 2 now!!!

Ginger & True

Ginger and I have known one another since the very first La Leche League meeting either of us ever attended. Her big boy, Cache, was 5 weeks old, and my BIG girl, Alani was 8 months at the time. We've had their family over for dinner, done playdates together, and Ginger was also first to introduce us to Music Together in December of 2007. That REALLY stuck! We've been going ever since, and she and her two babies go for sessions here and there. We were even in a session together during the time of this shoot. Due only 9 days apart and having our baby girls 4 WEEKS apart, we are now traveling through motherhood a second time around, at a relative close pace. True has the sweetest little face and I was so excited to get to snap a few of these two together.

Michelle & Athena

I met Michelle while leading a class on "Photographing Children and Newborns" at the Breastfeeding Cafe on Wednesday morning. I encouraged moms to take LOTS of photos of their babies, and of course, any time a photography has opportunity to mention their business or work, they do, so the moms there knew that I was the artist behind four of the 10 large photos being displayed at the Cafe, and that I was holding a fundraiser over the next three days. Michelle emailed me that night to let me know she'd be coming to our Thursday gathering. Athena is a sweety with deep brown eyes, and Michelle has done some photography work for the YWCA so she's somewhat familiar with photography. What fun to get to capture this mama/daughter pair! I should have written all of this when it was fresh but I want to say that Athena is a little older than Airi in these photos, maybe 14 months?

Lindsay & Emily

Lindsay is Sally's sister in law. What a great sis-in-law to drag her along for a fun day of hanging out with crazy ladies and having some photos taken. Emily's eyes are amazingly bright and blue. I think Emily is the youngest of an all boy family and at 7 months, quiet and sweet! What a wonderful pair these two are!

Sally & Andrew

This is Andrew's Pirate Face :)Sally is another local LLL leader, whom I'd only met in an online forum a couple of years ago. I guess she got wind of our fundraiser. It was so good to meet her in person, she's spunky and very fun. I think Andrew is her third little guy and is just over 2 years old. The group that she leads with must be tons of fun!
His two favorite things. . . nursing/time with mama. . .and playing ball!

Heather & Chloe

Heather happened to be at the La Leche League meeting in August where I was talking up the fundraiser (the day before it was to begin) as well as the Breastfeeding Cafe in downtown Salt Lake. She showed some interest in coming for the Wednesday evening portion of the fundraiser, but ended up not being able to make it. She then made a second attempt at our Thursday shoot and I'm so thrilled she did. What a beautiful little one 5 month old Chloe is and always dressed to the nines (with accessories and painted fingers to match).

Megan & Brayden

I think Brayden is 16 months old in these photos. Megan heard about our fundraiser and emailed me to say she'd be there. We tried some very "little boy" photos and then did a second round later when he was a little more willing to nurse that were more "studio." This is a look easily provided for with the amazing window light of my friend Renee.

Leah & Jane (and Andrew too)

I guess Leah and her kiddos have been in Music Together with my kiddos and I for the past two or three sessions now, maybe since January. Our friendship has built slowly over time, actually sort of through a third party mom in our class who Leah was already friends with. Through conversations I found out that she knew people I know because she regularly attends another local La Leche League meeting. When I decided to do the fundraiser, I passed the information on to her, since I knew she was still nursing 16 month old Jane, attended LLL meetings and seemed to be a breastfeeding supporter. What fun to photograph these two, plus this afternoon we did the photos at my GOOD friend (and fellow La Leche League leader)'s house. It was so much fun to have a gathering of like-minded mamas there to support a good cause, nurse our babies together and watch our kiddos play and have a good time.Sweet Big Boy hugs while sister nursesAnd OH those eyes Jane!!!

Melissa & Xavian

My second Murray pair for our World Breastfeeding Week Fundraiser Melissa and 8 month old Xavian. I don't even know how Melissa found out about our photo shoots, but I'm so glad she did, she is fabulous! And we ended up seeing one another several times over the next couple of weeks down at the Breastfeeding Cafe. And this baby boy?! Seriously, look at this sweet baby with his perfect peak little lips